
Mobility is more than faster and further

Mobility is a feature and precondition of modern societies. Maintaining it requires anticipatory integrated planning and design of traffic flows and their growth, taking the individual modes of transport into account and combining them in a way that makes sense, to provide solutions which will remain viable and functional in the future.

Our Range

We analyze traffic, develop solutions, and elaborate precise plannings and designs. Our portfolio provides comprehensive advice and planning and design services inclusive of contract and claims management for the development of road and rail transport concepts. The business line Traffic comprises:


  • Traffic surveys
  • Determination of traffic demand
  • Traffic modelling
  • Capacity analyses


  • Feasibility studies
  • Location studies
  • Traffic reports


  • Transport development planning
  • Parking space concepts
  • Bicycle traffic concepts
  • Operational concepts for rail transport
  • Local public transport planning
  • Intermodal traffic planning

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Projects traffic