Objection management in the plan approval procedure for the “3rd take-off and landing strip Munich airport”

Okres realizacji:
2007 – 2013

Government of Upper Bavaria – Federal Agency of Aviation South

Wartość projektu: €

Opis projektu

The government of Upper Bavaria – Federal Agency of Aviation South, as the hearing authority, carried out the plan approval procedure for the “3rd take-off and landing strip Munich airport”.

As an objection collection system, the module “plan approval management (PAM)” of the internet based project management system by Vössing was used.

Particular challenges in this procedure were approx. 85,000 private objections, whereby the majority of private objections had individual additions.

With the method provided, PMS offered enormous facilitation and acceleration in the procedure, as a structured collection of arguments and topic related response by the project sponsors, was made possible online, for all 165 process participants.

Furthermore, the project sponsor was supported during the hearing dates, with regards to registration, admission control and creation of a list of speakers.

Engineering services

  • Internetbased project management system PMS.VOESSING.DE